Thompson Engineering, Inc. is a family owned Civil Engineering and Land Surveying Company started by Lyle Thompson in 1973. Lyle is a native of Southeast Idaho, born and raised in Madison County. Lyle has worked for many public and private companies in the Northwest, including the State of Idaho and State of Utah Department of Highways.
Private Party - Fremont County, IdahoThis survey is located below the Teton Dam failure of 1976. The Deeds in this area call for the Banks of the Teton River. As the banks of a river change due to the natural actions of erosion and accretion, the property boundaries change as well. When the Teton Dam broke, the banks of the Teton River were altered almost over night. However, the recorded property boundaries stayed in their pre-Teton Dam location, and were no longer accurate. Completing this survey was a challenge but also an opportunity to dig into the historical records of Fremont County. We obtained pre-flood aerial maps, scaled them, and overplayed them onto the current sections to determine the new and accurate property boundaries in regards to the current banks of the Teton River.