Thompson Engineering, Inc. is a family owned Civil Engineering and Land Surveying Company started by Lyle Thompson in 1973. Lyle is a native of Southeast Idaho, born and raised in Madison County. Lyle has worked for many public and private companies in the Northwest, including the State of Idaho and State of Utah Department of Highways.
Reclamation Plan
Rhodehouse Gravel Pit - Bonneville, IdahoOur clients, the Rhodehouse's, were faced with the challenge of obtaining a Conditional Use Permit for a Commercial Gravel Pit operation in Bonneville County. Gravel Pits are not popular in any county and getting this approval would be difficult under the best of circumstances.
At Thompson Engineering, we decided the best course of action would be to anticipate all objections to the gravel pit and come to the Planning and Zoning meeting with counteroffers, answers, and solutions. We obtained copies of previous Public Hearings on gravel pits in Bonneville County and created a list of concerns that were raised at those meetings, from both the Public and the Planning and Zoning Council. The Site Plan, as shown here, was created to address all of the major concerns that were raised in previous meetings. Test holes were dug to determine how much topsoil was covering the gravel. The topsoil would be used to create berms around the gravel pit to shield neighbors from the noise of the gravel pit operation. An existing pressurized water line would be used to provide drip line irrigation to the tree farm, which is an added buffer in front of the gravel Pit. Approval of the gravel pit Reclamation Plan was also obtained from the Idaho Department of Lands before any public meetings were held. The map shown here was designed specifically for the Planning and Zoning presentation. We explained that the buffer zone of trees that would protect neighboring properties. An irrigation system would maintain the trees and alfalfa. Our client had gone the extra mile by getting approvals prior to the P&Z presentation and illustrating solutions to protect neighboring properties.
Bonneville Planning & Zoning and later, the Bonneville County Commissioners, approved the Conditional Use Permit for the Commercial Gravel Pit.