Thompson Engineering

Phone: 208.745.8771


Thompson Engineering, Inc. is a family owned Civil Engineering and Land Surveying Company started by Lyle Thompson in 1973. Lyle is a native of Southeast Idaho, born and raised in Madison County. Lyle has worked for many public and private companies in the Northwest, including the State of Idaho and State of Utah Department of Highways.

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Rolling Hills Acres - Jefferson County, Idaho

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Rolling Hills Subdivision offers country living and a low tax base, yet it has great access to U.S. Interstate 15. City shopping is only 10 minutes away. The lots within this subdivision are 1/3 acre which is relatively small when compared to other country lots. We chose a 1/3 acre lot size because many homeowners prefer a smaller, low maintenance lawn. They enjoy significant saving on the initial landscaping as well. Smaller lots also contribute to the preservation of our water resources.

To meet Local and State safely rules and regulations, we designed this subdivision with community water and central sewer systems. All sewage is treated onsite in the lower areas of the property. There are no lift stations and the sewage is gravity fed to the treatment areas. The roads were designed to accentuate the rolling hills of this subdivision thus lending to the subdivisions name, Rolling Hills.

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