Thompson Engineering

Phone: 208.745.8771


Thompson Engineering, Inc. is a family owned Civil Engineering and Land Surveying Company started by Lyle Thompson in 1973. Lyle is a native of Southeast Idaho, born and raised in Madison County. Lyle has worked for many public and private companies in the Northwest, including the State of Idaho and State of Utah Department of Highways.

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River Rock Estates - Madison County, Idaho

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The River Rock Estates Subdivision makes use of very unique site features. The parcel is long and narrow with high ground water. Canals surround almost three-quarters of the perimeter and there is a large grove of cotton wood trees located on the south end of the property. A large pond is located at the entrance to enhance the natural landscape and provide a source of gravel to construct the subdivision road. The high ground water will keep the pond filled with water. The common areas near the exterior borders of the subdivision allow for easier maintenance of the Canals and add a buffer area between the neighboring land owners and the Lot owners within the subdivision. Common areas also minimize the cost of construction and maintenance of roads and utilities. We designed a curvy road with cul-de-sacs to add appeal. Stub roads are designed in this subdivision for future connectivity to other developments as well a future interchange onto U.S. Highway 20.

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